MIDI Baby editor
Quick how-to
- Connect your MIDI Baby to your computer by USB.
- Enable the MIDI input and output ports corresponding to your MIDI Baby.
- Click the "Read device" button.
- Edit any settings.
- Click the "Write device" button to update your MIDI Baby configuration.
After you have connected your MIDI Baby and enabled the input and ouput ports, allow a few seconds for the editor to check the MIDI Baby model. The editor must send a MIDI message and wait for the answer from the MIDI Baby.
Click on any title bar to toggle the visibility of the corresponding panel. This allow you to view only what you are interested in.
Good to know
- When you "Read device", all the editor configuration will be replaced by the one read from the MIDI Baby.
- Don't refresh the browser page if you don't want to lose your current configuration.
- It's not mandatory to "Read device" before you "Write device". If you just want to fully reconfigure your MIDI Baby you can simply prepare your configuration in the editor, connect your MIDI Baby if it's not already done and then click "Write device".
File import and export
You can edit full presets without even having to connect your MIDI Baby. After you are ok with your configuration, click the "Export to file" to save it as a sysex file (.syx). You can then use this file to quickly setup a MIDI Baby with this editor or with any other application able to send read a sysex file and send it.
If you configure your MIDI Baby from a file you don't have to use the "Read device" button first. You just have to connect your MIDI Baby, import the file and finally click the "Write device" button.
Tips: you can nevertheless use the "Read device" to check that the editor can communicate with the MIDI Baby.
Tips: instead of using the "Import from file" button, you can simply drag&drop a file on the editor.
In case of problem
The main issue you can encounter is a communication problem between the editor and the MIDI Baby. In that case do the following:
- Disconnect / reconnect the MIDI Baby USB
- Check the the MIDI input and output ports are visible in the top of the editor and check that you have enabled both input and output.
- Check that you have authorized your browser to access MIDI devices (small piano keyboard icon visible in the location bar).
- If all of the above fail, refresh the browser page.
Messages types
Program Change
send counter: send current counter value.
send single value: send
count: count up or down, update assigned counter then send its value.
CC Toggle
send counter: send current counter value.
send single value: Send CC
count: count up or down, update assigned counter then send its value.
CC Return
Send CC
Remark: if velocity= 0 most devices will interpret as NOTE OFF.
NOTE Return
Remark: NOTE OFF is send as NOTE ON with VELOCITY 0.
Strymon Bank
bank down: send CC80 + 82, value 0, followed by CC80+82, value 127.
bank up: send CC81 + 82, value 0, followed by CC81+82, value 127.
Set Tempo
Send this action twice to set the MIDI clock interval to the time between message sends. Used for setting the clock via tap tempo.
If the clock is stopped, MIDI START message will be sent followed by turning on the clock at the required tempo.
Start Clock
If the clock is stopped, MIDI START message will be sent and the clock will be started at the last set tempo.
If the clock is currently running, send MIDI CONTINUE message.
Stop Clock
If the clock is running, MIDI STOP message will be sent and the clock will be stopped.
If the clock is not running, no message will be sent.
Toggle Clock
If the clock is stopped, send MIDI START and start clock at the last set tempo.
If the clock is running, send MIDI STOP and stop the clock.
Do Nothing
No action; do nothing.
MIDI in the browser
If you can't get the MIDI communication working, check the following:
You use a browser that supports the WebMIDI standard standard.
Currently, only the following browsers support the Web MIDI API:
- Chrome (Mac, Linux, Windows)
- Opera (Mac, Linux, Windows)
Web MIDI is not supported under iOS (iPad, iPhone).
Access to MIDI devices is not blocked by the browser.
In Chrome, you can access the MIDI permissions via the browser Settings page. Follow this path:
- Menu Settings / Advanced / Content settings / MIDI devices
You can also open the Settings page and search for "MIDI".
In case of problem
If the editor get stuck when reading or writing the MIDI Baby (the progress counter doesn't reach 100%), try the following:
- Disconnect the Baby, wait 3-4 seconds, reconnect it, wait 3-4 seconds for the editor.
- If the previous step did not solve the problem, try to reload the editor with your browser "refresh" command (usually the F5 key or Cmd-R (Mac) or Crl-R (Windows).
Always check the you have enabled the input and ouput ports connected to the MIDI Baby.