NeuralDSP plugins and MIDI

This page documents how I use my Nektar Pacer MIDI controller with the Neural DSP plugins I own.

NeuralDSP plugin MIDI CC:

CC GateN > 0 = ON, N == 0 = OFF
CC AbsoluteN > 63 = ON, N < 64 = OFF
CC Relative?
CC ToggleN > 63 toggles the switch, N < 64 is ignored.
CC ValueactiveN > 63 = ON, N < 64 is ignored (stays ON)
CC ValueinactiveN > 63 = OFF, N < 64 is ignored (stays OFF)
CC PresetSelect a preset, CC value is ignored

Nektar Pacer MIDI controller:

CC Toggle127no message sent0no message sent
CC Trigger12701270
Program BankN 0 0no message sentN 0 0no message sent

NeuralDSP plugin + Nektar Pacer:

Toggle 127, 0CC AbsoluteOn/Off
Trigger 127, 0CC AbsoluteSingle action e.g. Preset

Note 1: It's also possible to use CC Toggle in the plugin with CC Trigger in Pacer, but this is not the best solution because it does not allow to sync a LED (on the Pacer) with the state of the effect in the plugin.

Note 2: for single actions, e.g. Preset Previous, Preset Next, it is important to use a MIDI message that send two different values, like, for example, the CC Triger that sends 127 on press and 0 on release. If we use a MIDI message that always sends the same value, e.g. PROG CHANGE, than Ableton Live will only act on the first message it receives. Live will ignore the following messages because the value does not change and Live thinks it can then ignore these messages.

Plugin + Pacer usage:

Pacer footswitchPacerPlugin CC AbsoluteCoryPliniGojiraOmega
223TubeOverdrive settings 1OD
324DistorsionOverdrive settings 2DRT
425ChorusDelay Ping-PongPhaser
627Reverb ShimmerReverbDelay
CPreset previous
DPreset next
EXP 17Pitch-shifting pedal

We use the Pacer's Preset MIDI setup to configure messages that will be sent whenever a Pacer preset is selected :

Pacer Preset MIDIPlugin CC PresetUsage
CC Trigger 127, 0102select preset 102 when loading associated Pacer preset
CC Trigger 127, 0103select preset 103 when loading associated Pacer preset
CC Trigger 127, 0104select preset 104 when loading associated Pacer preset

Pacer presets

A1 Cory Clean (102)A2 Cory Crunch (103)A3 Cory Overdrive (104)A4 Cory (105)A5 Cory (106)A6 Cory (107)
B1 Plini Clean (108)B2 Plini Crunch (109)B3 Plini Overdrive (110)B4 Plini (111)B5 Plini (112)B6 Plini (113)
C1 Gojira (114)C2 Gojira (115)C3 Gojira (116)C4 Omega (117)C5 Omega (118)C6 Omega (119)
D1D2D3D4D5D6 Tests

Ableton Live setup

Follow the instructions at

  1. One Audio track that hosts the NeuralDSP plugin.
  2. One MIDI track that receives messages from the MIDI controller (Pacer);
    1. This tracks sends MIDI out to the Audio Track's NeuralDSP plugin.





Heel down wah off setting:

  1. Set your expression pedal to CC #0 (or any other value) and make sure it’s calibrated correctly (i.e. 1-127).
  2. Add midi map (in the plugin): CC Absolute (type), Wah Position (Parameter), whatever channel your expression pedal is set to, CC #0 (same value as above)
  3. Add midi map (in the plugin): CC Gate (type), Wah Active (Parameter), same channel as above, CC #0 (same value as above).

The wah is now turned off when the heel of your expression pedal is down.


Plugin files on Mac:

Setup screenshots

Cory Wong plugin

Click image for full-size.

Plugin MIDI input devicesPlugin MIDI input devices

Plugin MIDI mappingsPlugin MIDI mappings

Plugin Save MIDI mappingsPlugin Save MIDI mappings

Plugin MIDI mappings folderPlugin MIDI mappings folder

Plugin Presets folderPlugin Presets folder

Pacer controller

We use the Pacer Editor

Preset configuration example :

Pacer preset configuration example

Preset MIDI example :

Pacer preset MIDI example

Ableton Live

Ableton Live MIDI setupAbleton Live MIDI setup.

Ableton Live tracks setupAbleton Live tracks setup. MIDI track "Cory" on left, Audio track on right.

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