Rossum Mob Of Emus
Black label : primary mode
Blue label : option modes (1 & 2)
Orange label : Hex mode only
Mixed mode : when Hex mode is enabled and one or more channels are selected,
Option button
- click & hold : enable option mode 1
- double-click & hold : enable option mode 2
Latching :
- click the Hex button to latch the current option mode. Click Hex again to unlatch.
- frequency of Hex mode
- trigger all six channels
CV inputs
- Clipped to +/- 5V
6 modes :
Any parameter with all channels affected simultaneously :
- Multi
- affect all 6 channels simultaneously
- input label is the affected parameter
Only one of the following parameter, with individual control per channel :
- Freq
- Trig
- Gain
- Wave
- Quant
CV Mode selection :
Double-click & Hold the Option button. To select a new mode, click the appropriate Preset button.
CV input reassignement
- click+hold (min 3sec) channel selector with # equal to the CV input # (1)
- channel led flashes --> CV input #
- preset led --> destination
- optional: select new target channel with channel selector
(1) the channel # is used to define the CV input #
- Black label : primary mode
- Blue label : option modes (1 & 2)
- Orange label : Hex mode only
Channel initial freq (before CV) = Frequency * Octave * Harmonic # * Variation